Treatment Provided- Parent Coaching
Treatment starts by me observing your child in different settings where problem behavior is occurring. During the observations, I watch to see how your child interacts with the environment. I look to see how he responds when demands are placed on him, and when he is told either "no," "wait" or "first/then." I observe his language skills, ability to negotiate, request, and get his needs met appropriately. I look to see how he interacts socially when around other children. When challenging behaviors occur (tantrums) I look at the topographies, duration, function, and consequences. These observations give me insight and answers as to what is maintaining challenging behaviors and what skills need to be taught so that your child's needs can be met more appropriately. After the observations are conducted, I create a behavior plan. The behavior plan is based on my observations as well as information parents and other professionals (Therapists, psychiatrists, etc.,) have given me regarding challenging behaviors.
The behavior plan outlines the behaviors that need to decrease, as well as new skills that need to be taught. The goal of the behavior plan is to teach your child how to get his needs met appropriately, without engaging in challenging behaviors. Various skills may be targeted in the behavior plan so that your child learns new ways to cope and get his needs met. The behavior plan will have a reinforcement system. I work with parents to come up with a reinforcement system that makes sense for their child. The reinforcement system needs to be one that the child will be very motivated to earn. This will help him focus on learning new skills and help to decrease challenging behaviors. The behavior plan will also have a system for using consequences for when challenging behaviors do occur. I work with parents to come up with consequences that makes sense for their child. Once the behavior plan is complete, I meet with parents to go over it. We make any needed changes and then we start the parent training.
Parents are coached on how to follow the behavior plan. The reinforcement system is put into place, along with the system for using consequences. Parents learn various strategies on how to work through behaviors, how to teach new skills, and how to use reinforcement and consequences effectively. Through this process, parents feel supported and able to manage their child's challenging behaviors.