School Shadow
Shadows provide one on one support for children and adolescents in the school setting. Shadows support academic tasks, transitions, following directions, attending to lessons, behavior reduction and appropriate socialization. They also utilize various antecedent strategies and teaching methods to support whatever issues are occurring in the classroom and school setting. Frequently a reinforcement system is used in the school, and is carried over into the home for maximum consistency and success.
Shadows are hired by me, and are trained by me. They follow the plans and protocols that I outline. Supervision and training occurs weekly or bi-weekly, to ensure that goals are moving along and that progress is happening. Team meetings occur bi-weekly to monthly, depending on what is needed for that particular child.
If your child is not accessing the curriculum, is disruptive in class, has school refusal, engages in task refusal, has social issues, or challenging behaviors, a shadow may be necessary to support him or her in the school setting. Shadows support children of varying ages and varying diagnosis, such as ASD, ADHD, ODD, Anxiety and behavioral issues.
School shadows are either B.A level or are in graduate school, in a related field, such as psychology or education.